Saturday, August 6, 2011

Christ will Return

A few weeks back, there was a lot of talk in the news about some guy claiming that Jesus was going to return on a certain day.  It didn't happen, if you're just now reading about it.
I was reminded, however, of a night long ago (about 23 years ago to be exact), when my family and a few friends were camping.  My dad (a Southern Baptist pastor) gathered us around, and shared with us a little pamphlet called "88 Reasons why Jesus will return in 1988".  It was the first time that the reality of Christ's return hit me (He didn't come back at that time, if you're wondering).

The point is, that Christ has promised to return to take the Followers of the Way back to a place that He is preparing for us.  Some say that first there must be a world-wide Tribulation.  Some say that Christians will endure part of that Tribulation only, and be caught out of the world halfway through.   My position is that Christ will first catch up his Church out of the world before raining judgement upon it.  I believe this because of what Jesus said, when describing the Last Days.  He compared them to two other times in history when God literally rained judgement on the world: the Days of Noah, and the Days of Sodom.  What I find compelling about these two examples is that in each case, God first removed the believer(s) from the place of judgement before He executed said Judgement.  In Lot's case, two angels had to physically drag Lot out of Sodom.  I don't expect that this argument will be persuasive to anyone else, so take make of it what you will.  The main point is that He will return.

Something else I'd like to mention.  In most fictional literature dealing with the Rapture (i.e. "The Left Behind Series"), it is posited that the antichrist will somehow trick people into believing that the Rapture didn't really happen, or that he, the antichrist, somehow effected the disappearance of millions of believers.  I doubt it.  First of all, I wonder how many people will really be raptured (I hope it's billions, but frankly I don't think even most who claim to be Christians truly believe).  Secondly, I think that people will know exactly what happened--they've been given plenty of warning (see "The Left Behind Series": book sales); they just won't care.  If anything, they'll be happy that the Christians are gone and no longer able to "crimp their style".  They'll focus on living it up with the attitude so well expressed by the song "Highway to Hell".  They'll comfort each other with the idea that they're "rebels" and "free people" who don't knuckle under the iron-fisted rule of an unjust and capricious God.  And they will not, to their own hurt, repent and be saved even in the face of the evidence they claim would make them believe.

1 comment:

  1. cavalier,
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